How to highlight your experience in an Administrative Support Resume in an Interview


Administrative assistant resumes can sometimes fail to present your best experience and qualifications, particularly in an interview setting. Many skills and experiences presented in a resume require further explanation to fully present the value you provide to a hiring manager. It simply isn’t enough to reiterate the bullet points on your resume in an interview…

How to Be Prepared to Hire Before You NEED to Hire


Having to hire quickly can be a bad position to be in. A manager may find themselves in a pinch with lackluster candidates to choose from if an employee quits or is fired. Being proactive in your recruiting may be the answer to this seemingly inevitable concern. Identifying and recruiting good employees takes time and…

4 IT Skills all Clerical Candidates Should Possess


Clerical candidates are expected to be talented and multifaceted professionals, much the same as most other industries. Administrative professionals should be able to manage multiple schedules, have excellent written and oral communication skills, be organized, and have a solid understanding of general office procedures. Being an admin in a specialized industry often requires additional, industry-specific…

4 Traits of a Successful Clerical Candidate


As an employer looking for the ideal clerical candidate, it can seem like each resume is as good as the last. Buzzwords and marketing speak abounds, while you can’t quite get a good idea of who will really be able to perform on the job. Interestingly enough, there are a few key traits that you…