As an employer, it is likely that you default to interviewing candidates who appear proactive and fully engaged in their job search. But did you know that job seekers who are currently employed but passively seeking new opportunities in the accounting field can be a good source for high quality hires as well? Here are a few good reasons why you shouldn’t discount passive candidates when looking to build your team.
The Pros and Cons of Desperation
It’s tempting, as a hiring manager, to focus on applicants who are really eager to start working. Whether it’s because they are likely to accept a position quicker or at a lower rate than the currently employed, these candidates can seem like the obvious choice. However, desperation in a job search can be a real problem for employers in the long term. If you bring someone onboard who is more interested in having a job than they are committed to working for your company in particular, you run the risk of them being poached by another company or simply finding a better opportunity. Hiring desperate candidates can lead to higher turnover in the long run, and lower-quality talent in the short term. Keep these perspectives in mind before assuming that the candidate who has been on the market for a long time will be an easy hire.
A Strategic Hiring Process
Interviewing at least a few candidates who are not in a rush to come on board right away can reduce the pressure on the hiring end as well. This gives you the opportunity to be strategic in your planning. You are better able to understand how candidates would fit your needs in the position, engage in multiple layers of interviews and evaluations, and have time on your side during salary negotiations. This more- strategic hiring process is generally easier and less rushed for both parties, the employee and the employer, which allows both sides to fully commit to the change in relationship.
Working with a Staffing Partner
One of the reasons that working with a staffing partner such as Search Services can be so helpful to busy hiring managers is that they are familiar with the talent currently in play. By developing and networking with a bench of existing candidates (both active and passive), they are better able to provide employers with a well-rounded applicant pool. They are also familiar with the candidates they have placed in the past who they know will be looking for future work, either due to a contract coming to an end or simple career development. By working with a staffing agency, you are giving yourself access to a network of talented accounting professionals who are pre-screened and proven on the job. You reduce the risk of hiring employees who are more interested in a paycheck than what they are doing or who they are working for. It’s a win-win for both candidates and employers alike.
If you are having trouble finding qualified candidates with the accounting experience who will add true professional value to your team, consider partnering with Search Services today.
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